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The Guides

Who We Are


Dr Lynch

Head Guide and infamous Surgeon

The good Dr Lynch was indeed a celebrated surgeon in his day, on the cutting edge you might say.  With a reputation for the use of innovative techniques and a flair for the dramatic, this notable doctor came undone when it was discovered that the vast majority of his patients had died in very curious circumstances.  However he soon put his nimble fingers to use by becoming a celebrated executioner. for the city!  Today, sadly he is reduced to earning his gin money by tormenting the general public on these tours. 


Mrs Needles

Guide, Poisoner and possible Witch

Mrs Needles, a Strange Apparition of dusty feathers and gaudy apparel, has been Haunting the Streets of Bath for what it seems to be minutes/decades/centuries. Often rumoured to be a Witch!, or part Bat, by small Urchin children, accusatory Dogs and Respectable Gentlemen, she also has Aquired the nefarious title of a Poisoner. Do Not Accept gifts or victuals from this Creature of The Night!

She is Well Aquainted with The Dead and invites you to follow her and be Formally Introduced. AT YOUR PERIL!


Mr Conrad Curtains

Guide, Thespian, author & reputed murderer

Mr Conrad Curtains, is a famous stage actor of great repute and ability, especially in his own mind.  Unfortunately, what should have been a glittering career, was most tragically cut short.  No accident occurred to Conrad himself, which is indeed fortunate, but rather to almost all of his fellow cast members on multiple productions.  A sandbag falling from a great height here, a trap door opening when it shouldn't there, blanks being mysteriously replaced by real bullets in the stage pistol, and even poison, almost magically being added to a star's interval tipple!  Poor Mr Curtains was often left quite alone on stage, while his unfortunate cast members lay dead all around.  Naturally, we don't suspect Conrad of any foul-play, which is why today, he is a valued member of the team, the show will go on!  

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Mr Robert Ratler

Rat-Catcher, Vermin killer, Murderer.

Mr Ratler will tell you that all of his victims were just vermin that had to be disposed of, and that all physical evidence has been professionally erased.


  Rat-Catcher to the wealthy and fashionable of Bath, Robert Ratler was once a respected tradesman of the city.  Unfortunately, rumours started circulating that it wasn't just the rodents that were being gotten rid of for a price.  It seems that Mr Ratler had expanded his repertoire from creatures upon four legs, to creatures upon just two!  So, if you need a rat killed, any kind of rat, Robert Ratler is the man for the job.  

Jim Reaper

Guide, Funeral director to the wealthy, murderer.

Mr Jim Reaper.  Once a most respected professional man and a partner in the famous funeral director's firm Grimm, Scratch and Reaper.  Sadly, it came to light that Mr Reaper was just a little too keen to increase trade for the firm.  Apparently, some of the customers were still breathing upon interment!  Still, they never complained afterwards, and rumour has it, that Mr Reaper is still quite active in the trade.

Mr Skinner

Guide, Taxidermist, killer and artist!

Another victim of malicious gossip perhaps.  Mr Skinner is our resident taxidermist.  Infamous for his artistic re-invention of the deceased.  If you have a loved family pet, or even family member that you wish to have immortalised and mounted for display, look no further than Mr Skinner.  Indeed, we have it on good authority, that Mr Skinner can even help expedite matters for you, if a family member is proving obstinate in their demise. 

Miss Strychnine

Guide, Former Nanny, expert in Poisons and murderer

Miss Strychnine has a wealth of glowing references form her catalogue of impressive positions, held in with some of the wealthiest families of Britain.  Indeed, her remarkable references, are only equalled by the curious fact that almost all of her former employers died, through a most careful administration of a highly poisonous substance, discovered in each of the victims' coffee.  She is currently taking a small break from the interests of the police, to work with us on the Ghost Tours, although rumours abound, regarding a possible new coffee shop opening in Bath under her capable guidance!

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